Fleurished Design Studio

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Secret Popcorn Recipe

If you know me, you know I have a slight popcorn addiction (that might be a bit of an under-exaggeration). Now I’m not talking about the usual microwave kind, or even artery clogging movie theater butter popcorn. I’m talking about the from scratch, in a stock pot, on the stove, deliciously seasoned butter popcorn!

I’m not really sure when I developed this addiction, but I can tell you that if you’re at my house on any given night around 8pm (when I can finally sit down with my husband to catch up on the latest Netflix craze) there will be freshly made popcorn! 

There are a few interesting items to my secret recipe, but promise you’ll try it before you are turned away based on the list of ingredients. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised, even potentially hooked like me!

Keep in mind, you might need to adjust the quantity of ingredients to speak to your individual taste, especially with the butter. : )

The cooking ingredients:

  • popcorn kernels: this seems simple, but there are actually terrible kernels out there that don’t work at all when cooked the ‘old fashioned way’. I am a huge fan of Bob’s Red Mill white popcorn kernels. I use quite a few of Bob’s products and he’s never led me astray, so I’ll stick with him.

  • avocado oil: I love that it has no flavor, but has a higher smoke point than other oils, so is better for cooking at higher heat. Coconut oil can be used too, but it gives the popcorn a bit of a sweet flavor, and I’m a salty gal so it doesn’t work for me.

  • himalayan sea salt: not only is it pretty to look at, but it is actually better for you than regular table salt. Using it won’t necessarily make your popcorn taste better, but if you have it on hand, i’d definitely use it!

The secret topping:

  • butter: a must. Salted, of course. I’m a fan of Land O’ Lakes, but probably only because they have cute mini sticks. Somehow even though I use more because they’re smaller, it looks like less! 

  • truffle salt: if you haven’t tried truffle salt, you’re either going to love it or hate it! It’s a very potent flavor, one that’s often referred to as smelling like sweaty feet. But don’t let that deter you, it tastes amazing! Truffles in general are expensive little buggers, but when added to salts, they’re flavor is muted and they’re generally very affordable. The brand I use is Sabatino Tarufi from Cost Plus, but you can find other variations almost anywhere. Just remember: a LITTLE goes a VERY long way!! Don’t overdo it!

  • nutritional yeast: this is where I lose most newcomers. Don’t go! I promise (again) you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. This is not bread yeast, or the yeast used to make beer. It’s a powdery, flaky substance that has a ton of health benefits, is an excellent source of vitamins & minerals, is high in protein and tastes delicious! Here’s a link to the brand I use, on Amazon of course! Nutritional Yeast Flakes.

Follow the recipe card below for the most amazing homemade popcorn ever!

Happy snacking!